
General Privacy Policy
We don’t ask for any of your personal details. We don’t store any of your personal details or anything that could be used to identify you as a person. We do track and report statistical information about people visiting and using our site (see Wikipedia for more explanation)

Data Collection And Data Usage For Online Advertising Analytics & Targeting
For banners that we build for our clients, we sometimes track clicks and other behaviours of people interacting with the banners. We don’t collect or store any “Personally Identifiable Information” – the data we collect is anonymous and can’t be used to identify anyone, either by us or anyone else. We don’t share the data with anyone. Primarily we use it to determine if people are viewing and interacting with the banners we make for our clients. If we think we can improve the performance our banners, we might make changes based on what we’ve learned. We also provide our clients with statistical summaries when we report on the performance of our banners.

Opt Out
We don’t use any 3rd-party cookie, web beacon, or other tracking mechanism for data collection. However, if you are at any time concerned about any of the data we are collecting, please contact us on and we will manually opt you out of all data collection.