We Win DrinkWise Creative Account

new work



We are pleased to announce we have been appointed as DrinkWise’s creative agency of record.

DrinkWise is an independent, not-for-profit organisation with the primary goal of bringing about a healthier and safer drinking culture in Australia. DrinkWise implements a range of national awareness and education campaigns, and offers resources about the safe and appropriate use of alcohol to promote generational change in the way Australians consume alcohol.

After working together over the past year on a project and consultancy basis, earlier this year, we released DrinkWise’s first piece of creative work together – a film to launch the newly established NRL and DrinkWise partnership.

The film showcases an NRL fan who seemingly missed out on watching an exciting NRL game because he had too much to drink the night before. The film is a part of a larger awareness campaign titled “You won’t miss a moment if you DrinkWise.”

"Bringing about a healthier and safer drinking culture "

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