Mountain Goat Beer Launches GOATLotto

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Australian brewer Mountain Goat celebrated its latest goat run venture, launching the GOATLotto show. Part lotto and part late night talk show, GOATLotto is a month-long retail promotion, all in the name of selling some very enjoyable beer.

Those who purchased a carton and uploaded their receipt received a unique set of lotto numbers that secured their place in the draw to win a range of life changing prizes – like $50k, or an egg from Alien vs Predator the movie.

Directed by The Glue Society, the promotion ran nationally from October 1st onwards and was amplified across social, out of home advertising, radio and online in the lead up to the final show held on November 11th 2020.

Those who entered simply needed to watch the GOATLotto show, hosted by Glen and Mick the Goat, to see if their lucky numbers appeared on screen.

"We tried to do a real lotto but legally we can’t, so we’ve done this instead"

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