MLA Summer Lamb Campaign Calls For Trans-Tasman Unity

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Calling for Australia and New Zealand to come together over a lamb meal, MLA’s Summer Lamb campaign has launched.

Building on the brand platform ‘Share the Lamb’, our integrated campaign sets out to extend the ‘rosemary sprig’ to our neighbouring nation and bridge the divide over something everyone can agree on – lamb.

The campaign launches with the new long-form advert directed by Tim Bullock, which takes us back to 1900 when Australia’s first Prime Minister, Edmund Barton, is finalising the Constitution Act and makes New Zealand part of The Commonwealth. This actual historical moment then inspires two modern day Aussie politicians to connect both countries again.

The stage is then set for both nations to come together over a lamb barbecue, amongst a huge floating party in the middle of the Tasman Sea. The comical ad celebrates the best of both nations and joins us together in New Australia-land.

"Come together over a lamb meal"

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