David Jones Celebrates Christmas For 182 Years

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David Jones is waving goodbye to 2020 and warmly welcoming the festive season with ‘The Home of Christmas for 182 years’, a nostalgic Christmas campaign inviting all Australians to celebrate 182 Christmases with the iconic department store.

Founded in 1838, David Jones has seen almost 200 years of Australia’s heritage through its famous windows. From the perspective of looking out, not in; ‘The Home of Christmas for 182 years’ celebrates two centuries of Christmas shoppers peering through the glass, uniting the years with a sense of joy and delight.

Jointly created with Maud, part of Accenture Interactive, the campaign invites the country to partake on a whistle-stop tour throughout the years – from 1838 to the present day – from the inside of one of its famous Christmas displays.

Shot by acclaimed director John Hillcoat of Collider, the campaign film is supported with in-store activations, visual merchandising and the unveiling of this year’s Christmas Windows at David Jones Elizabeth Street.

‘The Home of Christmas for 182 Years’ premiered Sunday, 15th November 2020, before rolling out nationally across broadcast and digital for six weeks and in the lead up to Christmas.

"The Home of Christmas for 182 years"

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