BCF Reminds Aussies They’re Stuck In The Best Place On Earth This Summer

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BCF reminds Aussies they’re stuck in the best place on earth this summer.

With international holidays off the cards this summer, BCF’s new campaign ‘You Couldn’t Be Anywhere Better’ is reminding Aussies if you can’t be anywhere else, you may as well make the most of it here.

Our new campaign for the outdoor retailer celebrates how international travel bans are making holidays in the Aussie bush even more enticing.

Directed by Tony Rogers and produced by Guilty, the campaign looks on the bright and summery side of what has been a pretty yucky year.

The campaign spots are accompanied by BCF’s much-loved anthem, and show Aussies having a cracking time in our idyllic landscapes, in contrast to some pretty bleak international locations.

"You Couldn’t Be Anywhere Better"

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